Monday, December 7, 2009

Butt Crack Guy - gets his own post

Prologue: The hike on Saturday was mainly comprised of technical people, and their girlfriends. So, geeks, pretty much. Big ones. Nothing wrong with a good geek, I'd like to add, I'm actually a big fan, so no judgment is implied here.

After we finished the hike, Eyal, Lee and I were standing around and I made the mistake of turning around to look back out over the canyon.....and got a full view of another sort of canyon. The kind that sticks out of the rear of someones pants when they bend over. Particularly if the pants are ill-fitting, or perhaps the gut is a little too rotund. Me, being me, laughed, and said to Lee what I'd seen, and he replied that he'd caught a glimpse of it, and had been actively engaging strategic visual avoidance.

Eyal, hearing us talk about this, turned around to see and said "Hey! I have a story about that guy!"

Apparently Israel does a lot of spin-offs of western shows (Big Brother, Survivor, Beauty and the Geek, etc.), and BCG had been on the first season of the Israeli Beauty and the Geek (it was no wonder he made it to the show, by the looks of him!), and didn't make it to the final. That is pretty cool, actually - and according to Eyal, almost everyone in Israel knows someone who knows someone who was on one of these shows- the country isn't very big, after all.

The funny part of this story came later at dinner. Eyal comes to the table laughing, and says "Hey, Butt Crack Guy was outside and got recognized by a woman walking out!" I guess he's pretty gracious about it, being sorta famous and all. Then we got the story from Eyal about him running into BCG at some meditation/holistic/earth dance festival a few months back (....the story of how Eyal wound up at this thing was funny enough....the things men do for girls....).

Eyal to BCG: Hey! How's it going ?
BCG: Uh, hi. Oh, you must recognize me from TV.
Eyal: No, you donkey. We went on a hike together last weekend.
BCG: Oh, yeah, right. Hi...

Apparently "donkey" is a pretty good insult - obviously equating to ass or the like in Hebrew, but what I found really amusing is that this totally unassuming uber geek gets to say things like "Oh, you must recognize me from TV" on a regular basis.

And we all saw his crack. Almost all the way to the holy land!

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